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Letter while convelescing in Washington at the end of the War by Leonard Perham of the 14th NH Infy on Sanitary Comission Sheet and Cover.  He bemoans the loss of Father Abraham and how Booth and Old Jeff will get theirs.  Wonderful!


Washington DC
Carver Hospital
May 18, 1865

Dear Brother and Sister,

I am well as usual.  Hope this will find you the same.  I am expecting my discharge every day now but may not get it for a month.  They took my name for a discharge the 10th of this month so I am looking for it every day.  Well Sister Mary I shall look for a letter from you as soon as I get home and don’t you forget to write.  It would be of no use to tell you of our rejoicing and also our mourning.  Since the first of April for pen can’t tell neither but if Father Abraham could have lived to have seen this war all through I would have been satisfied.  But Justice, no did I say Justice, had taken place on that cowardly villain.  O no we would like to have had him taken alive.  Well it is as it is and so it must be but old Jeff must take what comes and Booth has got his pay.  All we can pay him. Write soon and direct to Harriett and if I don’t get home, she will get it so goody by

Leonard Perham

14th NH Letter Death of Lincoln & Booth! Leonard Perham

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