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Army Postal Cover George Custer Signed
Autograph Lt Benjamin Hodgson 7th Cavalry KIA
7th Cavalry Doc Custer Payment, Calhoun Autograph
CC Lt Winfield Scott Edgerly 7th Cavalry
John Prescott Varnum 7th Cav Letter DT
Charles Varnum Doc Fort Abraham Lincoln 1880
Rare from Life view of Kit Carson/Edwin Perrin
Rare Albumen Tom Custer and WW Cooke on Sleigh Ft A Lincoln
Nelson Miles Mint CC and Autograph
CC Custer & 7th US Cav Officers Fort Abraham Lincoln
Indian Wars Photo General Thomas Ruger
Nelson Miles Major General Epaulettes
Excellent View of Custer in Buckskins by Scholten
Indian Wars view of De Trobriand from France 1874
Indian Wars view of Colonel De Trobriand
Imperial Albumen Nelson Miles USA
CDV Benjamin Grierson Cavalry by Gardner
Autographed Photograph Nelson Miles
CC of Nelson Miles with MOH
Autographed William T Sherman Cabinet Card