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Rare artist tinted view of Lt Colonel Edgar Kimball 9th NYVI Zouaves who was killed by General Michael Corcoran in a drunken dispute at a Picket Line.  "Union Army Officer. He was trained as a printer and worked as a newspaper editor in New Hampshire and Vermont. He attended Pembroke Military Academy and Norwich University, and was commissioned as a Captain and company commander in the 9th United States Infantry Regiment for the Mexican-American War. He took part in the Battles of Contreras, Churubusco, and Chapultepec, and received a promotion to brevet Major. After the war, he worked for the “New York Herald”, became active in Democratic politics, and was employed as a Weigher in the New York Customs House. At the start of the Civil War he was commissioned as a Major in the 9th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment. He took part in several engagements, was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, and became commander of the regiment. In April 1863, General Michael Corcoran of the Union’s Irish Brigade attempted to pass through the 9th New York’s area during operations in Virginia. When challenged by a sentry, Corcoran refused to provide a password. Kimball came to the sentry’s aid, and Corcoran then shot and killed Kimball. Corcoran was not arrested or charged with a crime, and he was never reprimanded.

9th NYVI Zouave Lt Colonel Edgar Kimball KIA by Gen. Corcoran

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